What I have learn since Ive started Paleo (for a few months before the New Years and then starting back up at the end of January) is that I my lifetime of eating crap did effect my quality of life. Every day I was tired. Every day I would crash. Every day I was hungry. Also, when I got sick it was for a long long miserable, crying in the hallway, long time.
Do I hold back when people ask me about my diet? Believe or not, yes. Its hard to explain in a sentence and since I usually get "I could never do that", I sometimes feel defeated before I go in. I suppose I should set my intention to inform not hoping someone will join me. Risking being preachy, I talk less and less. I would love my family and friends to hope on board the primal lifestyle but it goes against conventional wisdom: low fat, grains and or processed diet food.
Calories are not calories. I got fat counting calories. Its possible its because I became insulin resistance. My body shape gives every clue I am pre-diabetic. More about that another post.
Explaining my choices fully means making sugar, grains, beans, and processed anything evil. That right there usually kills dialog with questioning parties.
"What no Diet Coke? No Stevia?"
There is never enough time to explain, so I am just doing my thing and hoping if someone is really interested in hearing what I am doing to get fit, they will ask me questions.
Or Ill write this blog to get it all out of my damn system!
I heard about the diet first from my friend E. She is a powerful spirit, successful and damn kind to me and I reached out to her after she starting shrinking. Then she stood on her head. For months she would remind me how I should join Crossfit, it was perfect for me. I had already lost weight running (jogging) and cutting crap like soda out of my diet. I also did Atkins on and off. Really, at the point, low carb was the only thing that work. Why I never stuck to it? No fruit. Not enough veggies. Possible too much cheese. I needed a plan, and she had one that worked.
Enter Paleo...
I finally found a good explanation of Paleo to share. While there are minor differences in the Paleo camp (including Primal) the basic rule is : meat, vegs, nuts, some fruit, no grains, no sugars, no diary (well sort of)
click below, internetters!
So.. I have crossfit in the morning and this week I am beginning the 3x a week.
I am stronger than I have ever been. And a big part of that is my diet.
More about the science of what we eat for another time...