Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


What I have learn since Ive started Paleo (for a few months before the New Years and then starting back up at the end of January) is that I my lifetime of eating crap did effect my quality of life. Every day I was tired. Every day I would crash. Every day I was hungry. Also, when I got sick it was for a long long miserable, crying in the hallway, long time.

Do I hold back when people ask me about my diet? Believe or not, yes. Its hard to explain in a sentence and since I usually get "I could never do that", I sometimes feel defeated before I go in. I suppose I should set my intention to inform not hoping someone will join me. Risking being preachy, I talk less and less. I would love my family and friends to hope on board the primal lifestyle but it goes against conventional wisdom: low fat, grains and or processed diet food.
Calories are not calories. I got fat counting calories. Its possible its because I became insulin resistance. My body shape gives every clue I am pre-diabetic. More about that another post.
Explaining my choices fully means making sugar, grains, beans, and processed anything evil. That right there usually kills dialog with questioning parties.
"What no Diet Coke? No Stevia?"
There is never enough time to explain, so I am just doing my thing and hoping if someone is really interested in hearing what I am doing to get fit, they will ask me questions.

Or Ill write this blog to get it all out of my damn system!

I heard about the diet first from my friend E. She is a powerful spirit, successful and damn kind to me and I reached out to her after she starting shrinking. Then she stood on her head. For months she would remind me how I should join Crossfit, it was perfect for me. I had already lost weight running (jogging) and cutting crap like soda out of my diet. I also did Atkins on and off. Really, at the point, low carb was the only thing that work. Why I never stuck to it? No fruit. Not enough veggies. Possible too much cheese. I needed a plan, and she had one that worked.

Enter Paleo...

I finally found a good explanation of Paleo to share. While there are minor differences in the Paleo camp (including Primal) the basic rule is : meat, vegs, nuts, some fruit, no grains, no sugars, no diary (well sort of)

click below, internetters!

So.. I have crossfit in the morning and this week I am beginning the 3x a week.
I am stronger than I have ever been. And a big part of that is my diet.
More about the science of what we eat for another time...

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Oh, blog, you haven't been forgotten! Please forgive me. The following post is short and poorly written, I just need to get these thoughts down.

This week has been full of needed realizations, discipline and successes. Lets break it down.

  • I realized I love my job more than I thought. I was given an opportunity to talk about myself professionally and without filter I just rambled on about how attached I was to 'my agents, my bosses, and my office' While I knew I was invested , I was not aware to the extent I find personal happiness in my daily grind. The same day I had this moment of appreciation I was offered my own office with a door and window. It was if the universe was rewarding me for my loyalty.
  • I will be as badass as my new office. I have tons of ideas that I WILL put into action to create success for each agent. This is just the beginning.
  • I am now on day 15 of no BOOZE, no STARCH, no SUGAR, no DAIRY. Results: Im shrinking! I look healthier and this last workout I powered through with no breaks. I am even more energetic than usual, so much so I catch myself when I am going a mile a minute, overwhelming the people around me. At least sometimes I feel that way. 75 more days to go on my personal challenge. I totally got this.
  • Success! I got on a scale: 166 as of this morning. While this is far from my ideal weight it is 43 pounds from where I started a year ago.
  • I about had a 'f* this' moment working out on Wednesday. I didnt eat before I went and half way through my sprint run I hit a mental wall. I signed up for a marathon! POWER THROUGH, WUSSY! Ugh, I did and then I questioned later if I worked it out to the best of my ability. Heck, I even questioned if I finished the workout prescribed, but David who watched me run said he was sure he saw me do 5 reps of sprints (with Thrusters in between). I should just go into Crossfit and ask who is going to be my witness.
  • Friday was kick butt. I did 5 pull ups with the gray band. Since I am around powerhouses, I didnt say anything but inside I celebrated. I am getting there, in small moments. We practiced pistols and I powered through what I could. My legs were already pissed from two days before. The WOD itself was GRACE. 30 reps of power clean and jerk for time. 31lbs at 2:4?. Looks like Ill be adding some more weights! 70% of my previous max was too easy (even though it was a tough session) I need to practice my form more. I could feel my back arching, and Shanna noticed as well. Hello broomstick. shoulders back, chin down...

There are several things I must do this week to be the person I want to be: Call some family members who have been reaching out, write a few thank you letters and finish my taxes.

Can I have a witness?!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Welcome Spring! Hello Sunshine!

The warm weather is the talk of the town. Well, at least it was at the WNC Farmer's Market earlier today. It was nice to be somewhere where nobody knew me, where I could just people watch and indulge in a honey tangerine. I was sitting and watching because my sore tush could barely walk. It feels as rough as the first week of Crossfit.

Yesterday I endured a workout that might be the toughest so far. Best way to explain it would be:
30 8lb wall balls + 200m run,
then 30 15lb kettle ball + 2oom run
x 3

There were rest times after each run but it about killed the 8am crowd. They looked tough to me, but all were quick to vocalize how grueling it was afterwards. Thank god they said something! I did good, I finished strong but next time I will go for the 400m like almost everyone else. Maybe. Thats a wicked looking hill.

This workout also made me dislike the once cool wall balls. Kettle balls, stick with me.
So yeah, Im sore and I know I need a proper recovery so I can tackle next week and the rest of my life. I got a good night sleep last night and had another successful day with no SUGAR, no WHEAT, no DAIRY, and no BOOZE. I am going for 60 days. I'm on day 6 and feel great. Well, besides my thighs who would rather be fishing

Basically I am following the Primal/Hunter-Gatherer/Paleo/Caveman (whatever you call it!) lifestyle. Guess it must be pretty hard to brand when there is no product to pitch.

I will go into details later on how I approach this lifestyle, what I wanted to do was remember this recipe we just created.

Tandoori Chicken with Mashed Parsnips topped with

mushrooms and onions.

Parsnips Steam/Boil Parsnips and Onions with Garlic till tender. Puree up with some coconut milk. Pepper as desired.

Chicken Saute up mushrooms, onions, garlic in olive oil. After caramelized add chicken covered with Tandoori spices (bought at the farmer's marker) and cook until tender.
Enjoy! Seriously!

I am at the least going to run a mile at the track tomorrow. Even if Im sore. I have a few days before my next crossfit so between that and some knee to elbows.... and some much needed sleep and delicious healthy foods I should be set for the next power hour.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ok party people, today was my first day back at Crossfit since OnRamp finished last week. Drank my water, ate my egg and didnt kill a bird on the way to downtown. Good start.

I got in there in enough time to watch two of my former sidekicks finish a wicked looking workout. Jumpropes, Squats and Deadlifts, oh my.

I wanted to scream 'Hey! ROCK IT OUT!' but its their first day with a new group so I will hold back the embarrassing 'mother' moment for some other date. There is also a familiar face in the crowd, a popular local blogger who Ive interacted with online before. I haven't said anything to him though. Well, truthfully I don't say much of anything to anyone at Crossfit.

Its pretty damn humbling.

I bounced on over to the pull up bars, to see if Ive improved with the gray band. Not so much. Clearly I was holding back...

Our skill work today was push press. I got up to 48lbs, which is nothing compared to some other people (there are some powerhouses in my new class!), but it was the first time I actually struggled with a new goal, actually failing on the 5th rep. Shanna said to give myself three minutes, and try again. 1,2,3... struggle struggle...4...breath breath and UP! 5! It worked!


AMRAP 15 Minutes

90 Single Unders (jump ropes)
20 Deadlifts (38lbs)
10 Squats (with 8lb dumb bells)

I did three sets (I THINK!)

So lets talk about this. When I am doing these workouts I lose my ability to perform basic math skills, like counting. After tackling today's 'ready, set, go' I was trying to think through what exactly I did. I wrote three sets down on the board and in my book, and I remember doing 3 sets of jump ropes, right? What if I only did two? UGH!

But you know what Ive been meaning to say.. I really love having coaches. Shanna drew a smiling face on the ground for me to stare at since I like to look up (pleading with God) during my deadlifts. The occasional 'NICE' 'GOOD' 'TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT GOT IT' is helping me stay in the game when my body, trained by me to give up, fights me.

Had another cheat free day on Paleo, 56 more to go! More about that tomorrow.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Yesterday I hit a bird on Riverside road as I was headed in to work. I instantly thought about a radio program I had heard months back: birds represent a love one's spirit in Irish folklore. Bad sign. Isn't St. Patrick's day tomorrow? Did I just kill the soul of a relative trying to check in on me? Should I have stopped?

Feathers flew everywhere, and my instincts told me it was bad. I did kill. I went to the office, went inside and actively tried to erased the horror of what I had done. Energy came in waves but as the office got quieter, I started to feel useless.

I manage to get through my to-do list but I was far from my usual motivated self. After closing up I decided to make sure I didnt dent the hood. I peaked around the front corner of the car and there was my victim, stuck in the grill. It almost looked fake, but I quickly looked away... I had to get home, J will help me.

What way home has the least amount of stops... someone will notice... Lexington or Patton? It didnt matter, what was I doing?!

That was a terrible journey across Asheville. When I got home I found myself pleading to J and his friend to take care of it. They were shocked, inspected the crime scene, laughed a bit...

There are things I need to take care of and then I will be less stressed. I avoided doing what was right because it would have taken me out of my comfort zone. I should have taken care of the bird at the office, I should organize my bills, I should clean my house, and I should get rid of my baggy clothes so I don't look like a bum everyday.

On a positive note, I havent killed anything today.
I also did 100 jump-ropes and some knee to elbows last night. My 'skinny jacket' is getting HUGE on me. This is the jacket I wore in college, before my freshman 10 hit. I was able to fit into it after J accident too, for like a month. Now I should go down a size. To a medium.

Crossfit tomorrow!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


About an hour ago I put tape on the pull-up bar my husband and I installed in the doorway of the kitchen.

Thirty minutes ago I impressed J with my jump rope skills, three sets of 50. Pumped about my determination, my husband made me a homemade jump rope with electrical wire and wooden handles. It was just in the last month that I could barely get through ten without tripping over myself, and there was that darn shame too. I hated being weak so I never exposed myself to situations where it would was obvious to myself and others.

Ive decided that will no longer be a fault of mine.

About five minutes ago I decided to start a journal. An honest look at my training as I move either farther from the unfit stressed overweight burn out to the person I always could be. Elite. In all aspects.

This last week I completed the 6 week OnRamp at Crossfit Asheville. In just 12 workout I improved my 1st Workout of the Day (WOD) time from 21:00 to 7:58.

1st WOD

50 Jump Ropes

15-12-9 Ring Pulls, Push Ups, Squats

50 Jump Ropes

That first day I was prepared only by being dedicated. I knew I was weak, and although I had lost over 30 pounds on my own, I was far from being fit and I wanted a 'jump start' to training for my Chicago Marathon this October 10th.

My running was, and is, still weaker than it should be. Am I worried? less and less thanks to the overall fitness improvements I have seen. But that first day...

My push-ups are still on my knees. As if I am praying for mercy.. but that first workout I couldnt do ten. My arms buckled out unable to push up even though I wanted to show my trainers how in to this I was. "You will never forget this workout" Shanna said as I was trying to power through. I know, I thought, I never want to be like this again.

A few squats in I was losing my balance. The time clicked away but every moment felt frozen. I walked away feeling exposed of my weaknesses... I thought I would cry but that happened a few weeks later. I went to work feeling like I won because at least I finished.

Every day of OnRamp was a challenge. Some days I felt strong, like when I killed it with the wall balls, or when I pounded through 8in box jumps (I know). Only one day did I break. I had basically over stretched the night before after I took a jog and pulled my right butt muscle. Whatever it is called, it was sucking the life out of me. I walked in feeling okay, but half way through our warm ups, in a duck walk, I thought I was going to die. I didnt want to say anything, Im not a quitter.... I dont want to whine...

Then we started with skill work, one legged dead lift, and I finally spoke up. Corey... I think i pulled something. Dont worry, scaled it, what happened? Ok, ok, Im not sure.

The whole workout I wanted to cry, but It wasnt only because of pain. After doing the full WOD I went to the car and bawled. I wanted to be better faster, I wanted instant gratification and reality was tough. Getting stronger meant being uncomfortable.

Two days later my half ass was fine and truth is, while I might have overstretched, I was just learning what extreme soreness felt like.

About year ago this month I was 209 pounds, I am now 170(ish). Actually that is a total guess since my husband took the battery out of the scale. Last time I weight myself I was 175 but a pant size bigger than I am now. I WANT TO KNOW. But he is being sweet, says all that matters is strength and inches and.... he is right.

To help with recovery, and overall health I have addressed my diet and I am now eating only Paleo friendly foods. The last few weeks I have cheated here and there and I can tell you I never feel good when I do. I am starting a strict 60 day challenge today. No more weekend drinking, no more fries at the bar... I have gone strict before and its not a big deal. Just eat real food. Ill post more about Paleo later.

I start regular classes this Wed at 8 and I am nervous. Not so much about being exposed but wondering if the other 'kids' will like me. Im working on not doing that to myself anymore, what an unnecessary torture!