Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I am recovering from a wicked head cold. loving on babies and lots of stress apparently will knock me down.

Nothing but success with my diet/lifestyle and Im totally thrilled I made it to day 51, I will make it to 90, and beyond.

Just fit into a new pant size, and the scale is currently being really damn friendly to me

I see my doctor this week, and I cant wait to see his reaction to how I look! Im about 17 pounds down since Ive seen him in February.

LEAF is this weekend, which means trying new activities. Zip-lining and Contra dancing. Who will dance with me? I hope some patient soul with spin me and make me look good.

Next post will be on why Crossfit works for me and therefor anyone. I could push press my dog.